Negotiation tips with family members come in handy during the holiday season, especially when a vast amount of decisions need to be made collaboratively and efficiently. The general rule is if someone reaches out and wants to speak, it’s best to approach them rather...
Strengthen Your Frustration Muscle
Best Method for Self-Improvement: Strengthen Your Frustration Muscle I’m sitting here on a flight going back to New York and I can’t help but smirk as I realize my frustration tolerance is being tested yet again. I didn’t have the opportunity to meditate this morning...
Growing Through the Process of Regret
I work with an array of patients who very often express regrets; some being more serious than others. I hear, “I wish I didn’t say what I did, I just inadvertently and impulsively blurted it out”, “If only I chose another college, then I wouldn’t have ended up back...
Gaining Emotional Intelligence by Being in the “Yuck”
I had a patient who was concerned that he wasn’t relaying to me all of the information that he needed to in order for me to understand him and thereby effectively help him. He described how he felt more comfortable writing his thoughts and feelings rather than...
Achieving Personal Growth Through Self-Compassion
I all too often hear clients complaining about their personal attributes. They express sentiments like, “I’m too sensitive and even the littlest things affect me”, “I worry about the most ridiculous things”, “I’m overly angry”, “I’m always so negative”, “I have a...
Solutions for the 15 Ways We Beat Ourselves Up
We all fall victim to beating ourselves up. For some of us it is merciless and for others it may just be our initial thoughts and we are easily able to brush it off and merely take notice of it, rather than buy into relentless self-deprecating thoughts about how we...
6 Tips for Making BEST Decisions
Important life lessons we can utilize each and every day. Wouldn’t it be nice if making decisions were as easy as deciding what flavor of ice cream we wanted to eat? Most decisions that we make are not black and white and leave us with strong, powerful, and at times...
Please STOP Preaching Happiness, Gratitude & Positive Affirmations
We grow up with very distinct messages, both overtly and subliminally, that the most sought after state is one of “happiness”, a “positive attitude” and eternal “gratitude.” Our society supports these ideas and ideals. Take a look at all the posts on social media that...
Tips for Living a Meaningful Life
Yesterday was quite an emotionally provoking day for me. My emotions were heightened because of several interactions I had with clients on a day when I was due to be off. It led me to contemplate about what living a “meaningful life” truly means in regard to honing in...
Tips on Becoming Present & Practicing Mindfulness
I had a patient in her last year of high school come to me this week in tears and complain that her father criticized her about not getting a high enough score on her SAT’s. She wasn’t focused on thinking that she disappointed him but rather that he finally noticed...