Thoughts of a Therapist

Mindfully Communicating to Children About 9/11

Mindfully Communicating to Children About 9/11

Help to foster valuable lessons amid devastating tragedy. This marks the 20th anniversary of the tragic events that occurred in New York on September 11, 2001. Kids all over the country will learn about, hear about, and observe tributes and commemorations marking this...

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Getting Up When Life Smacks You in the Head

Getting Up When Life Smacks You in the Head

Five strategies for building resilience. In many ways, Summer 2020 beat me down hard: COVID was rampant, my kids were home, my business was slow, and my anxiety was high. However, last summer also lifted me up in ways I never would have expected. How? The resilience I...

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Give Your Child an Exit Interview Before Leaving for College

Give Your Child an Exit Interview Before Leaving for College

It can improve your relationship for many years to come. When your child leaves for college, there is such a stir of emotions filtering through you. You are thrilled about their upcoming journey and proud of their accomplishments. You revel at their maturity as they...

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Open Letter on Ending a Relationship With Someone You Love:

Open Letter on Ending a Relationship With Someone You Love:

Who Knew Love Could Hurt This Much? It seems so unnatural to end a relationship with someone we feel love toward. We are taught that love should withstand the test of time, until death do us part, and that if you love someone, it is expected that we should make it...

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What Do You Do if You and Your Child Aren’t a Good Fit?

What Do You Do if You and Your Child Aren’t a Good Fit?

Six ways to attach with kindness and connection. Attachment theory explains how the parent-child relationship emerges and influences subsequent development in relationships. John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth suggested that early attachment experience creates life-long...

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An Open Letter From an Adult Child to Their Parents

An Open Letter From an Adult Child to Their Parents

We never outgrow needing to be accepted and validated.  I took a poll of 50 adults and asked them to write down and indicate what is the one thing they would want their parent to know. They had an opportunity to have either one or both parents in mind and could write...

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ACE Your Life: Unleash Your Best Self and Live the Life You Want

Free Your Child From Overeating: 53 Mind-Body Strategies for Lifelong Health

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