Thoughts of a Therapist
Parents, Cyber-Sex, and Children
A father forgot to log out of the family PC and his 13-year-old daughter mistakenly found pornography under his username. A 17-year-old’s camera was broken on her phone, so she took a picture and texted it to her father to check out the picture quality. She shockingly...
Mastering Relationships: Teach People How to Treat You
In my personal life and in my practice, I run up against relationships that are thwarted because of a negative or difficult interaction that ensues. It necessitates teaching people how to treat us in order to facilitate our needs being met. I observe that we generally...
A Letter to the Survivors, Bystanders, and Families of Parkland From a Trauma Therapist
I write this because I wholeheartedly care. I want to inform and prepare you so that besides honoring your loved ones and advocating in the passionate way you have been, that you take care of you. A little background on myself, I’m trained and skilled in Eye Movement...
Enough Debating: Let’s End This Mass School Shooting Epidemic
This shooting hit too close for home for me. My son’s friend was in the classroom next door. Just the thought of it terrifies and saddens me for her and everyone else who is affected by this tragedy. As I broached the subject with my 14-year-old son to assess how he...
Why I’m Unfortunately Not Surprised by More Incidences of School Violence
Yet another incident of violence in a school. Over the last few weeks, there were shootings and stabbings in Kentucky, Texas, and New York high schools. We cannot deny or avoid the problem, even if we desperately try. Our children hear of these incidences, and even...
The Most Important Parenting Skill to Take Into the New Year and Beyond
As the New Year is approaching it may be a good time to reflect on, evaluate, and re-calibrate the way in which we approach our parenting. We tend to protect, or in some instances over-protect our children to assuage them of any suffering or anguish. With all the...