Gain emotional intelligence by being in the “yuck.” Defining Your "Yuck" We all have a stuck “yuck” part. “Yuck” is the average human feeling/emotion or emotional state that holds substantial meaning to us individually and where we have not been able to effectively...
A Letter to Your Anxious Mind
For the mind that overthinks, worries, catastrophizes, races, and/or ruminates. Dear Mind, While you are a vital organ that helps me in fundamental ways, I realize that I have a divisive relationship with you. I am hoping to improve the relationship, as I realize that...
STOP Preaching Happiness, Gratitude & Positive Affirmations.
It's a sure way to lead to your unhappiness. We grow up with very distinct messages, both overtly and subliminally, that the most sought after state is one of “happiness”, a “positive attitude” and eternal “gratitude.” Our society supports these ideas and ideals. Take...
15 Ways We Beat Ourselves Up
The solutions we need for building a growth mindset We all fall victim to beating ourselves up. For some of us it is merciless and for others it may just be our initial thoughts and we are easily able to brush it off and merely take notice of it, rather than buy into...
22 Questions to Ensure That You Are Making Each Day Count
Life is Too Short and Precious to Live Any Other Way It is sadly the second anniversary of my nephew’s death. On this day I also treated trauma survivors in my practice and did evaluations for chronically medically ill individuals who want to create video legacies for...
The #1 Thing to Do to Set Yourself up for a Better Year
Move in this direction for self-growth.
Gratitude for Your Dysfunctional Family Builds a Growth Mindset
Choose to be a warrior during the holidays and always.
12 Reasons to Have Gratitude for Your Dysfunctional Family
Mindful Lessons to Transform Your Relationships
Form the meaningful and satisfying relationships you want and deserve. There is certainly no instruction booklet on how to foster meaningful relationships. The way we first learn is through modeling our parent’s behavior, by process of elimination, and through on the...
26 Positive Affirmations to Empower You Now
You always have choices. There is a lot about the holiday season, and especially this one, that can evoke negativity, sadness, and frustration. The holiday may be celebrated differently than it ordinarily is. Now more than ever, especially with the weather changing,...
How to Negotiate With Family Members During the Holidays
A necessity during these less-than-typical times. Negotiation tips with family members come in handy during the holiday season, especially when a vast amount of decisions need to be made collaboratively and efficiently. During the pandemic and possible change in...