by Laurence | May 11, 2018
I’m sorry for.. Assuming that I know what you needed, without asking you what you needed. Being distracted when you spoke to me because I have 1001 things on my mind which you shouldn’t have to suffer for. Rationalizing that I needed to be thinking about or doing...
by Laurence | Apr 30, 2018
hrough my foundation, Thru My Eyes, and the trauma work that I do utilizing EMDR and other trauma-based treatments, I’m faced with treating individuals whose lives change instantaneously through death and other types of traumatic experiences. Typically absent for them...
by Laurence | Apr 21, 2018
Life was so different when we grew up. Kids currently must contend with school shootings, terrorism, the intrusion of technology, among many other things. As parents we go into self-protective mode and in many ways so do our children. This self-protection can often...
by Laurence | Apr 10, 2018
Our humanness dictates our varied perceptions, evaluations, judgments, and expectations. These develop over time based on our physiology, history, and experiences. For some people, they perseverate or hyper-focus and complain that “they can’t get their mind off of...
by Laurence | Mar 28, 2018
It is our sabotaging thoughts that get us stuck and block our willingness to engage in a lifelong process of healthy eating and ongoing physical fitness. Thoughts such as, “I will not be successful at it,” “It’s too hard,” “I don’t have the time,” etc. keeps us...
by Laurence | Mar 22, 2018
I am faced with patients who are thoughtful, caring, intelligent, attractive, and with many other positive characteristics. The challenge is that they don’t see it in themselves. The picture they paint and express is so counter to who I see before me. I’m aware about...
by Laurence | Mar 19, 2018
A father forgot to log out of the family PC and his 13-year-old daughter mistakenly found pornography under his username. A 17-year-old’s camera was broken on her phone, so she took a picture and texted it to her father to check out the picture quality. She shockingly...
by Laurence | Mar 13, 2018
In my personal life and in my practice, I run up against relationships that are thwarted because of a negative or difficult interaction that ensues. It necessitates teaching people how to treat us in order to facilitate our needs being met. I observe that we generally...
by Laurence | Mar 1, 2018
I write this because I wholeheartedly care. I want to inform and prepare you so that besides honoring your loved ones and advocating in the passionate way you have been, that you take care of you. A little background on myself, I’m trained and skilled in Eye Movement...