Thoughts of a Therapist
Being a Psychotherapist in the Midst of the Coronavirus Pandemic
Although I’m not directly on the front lines and working with symptomatic hospitalized Covid-19 patients, I’m treating those who are infected, are symptomatic or asymptomatic and quarantined at home, their family, friends, and others who are indirectly impacted....
A Letter to Our Children in the Throws of the Coronavirus Pandemic
Life as we know it has changed so incredibly much over the past couple of weeks. You lost your freedom to come and go as you please. You lost your fundamental right to go to school and directly interact with your friends. Some of you who are having occasions and...
The Coronavirus: What Are Our Children’s Takeaways?
I have been seeing many adolescents, teens, and young adults in my practice over the duration of this public health crisis and have seen them react in similar ways that I see my adult patients react — minimizing it as nothing at all to worry about by comparing it to...
Bring in the New Year With This Personal Development Mindset
We learn to avoid discomfort of all kinds from a very young age and the evading gets perpetuated as we grow into adulthood. As far back as we could remember, when we got hurt, our parents would just kiss our boo boo’s to immediately make everything okay. When we got...
8 Things You Can Do to Improve Your Relationships
Are you approaching your relationships with openness and enthusiasm, with reluctance and anxiety, or in some other way? The way in which you approach your relationships impacts on the behavior you exhibit while attending to the relationships and the perceptions you...
The Popularization of Weed/Cannabis & It’s Effect on Our Youth
I have seen an influx of patients in my practice who are coming in due to problematic behaviors as a result of weed use and abuse. In the past few days, I have seen a 68-year-old male complaining that his increased use has led to decreased motivation and productivity....