Thoughts of a Therapist
11 Key Tips for Getting and Staying Motivated: How to Stay Motivated and Live the Fulfilling Life You Want to Live
Part 1 of this series, 12 Common Barriers That Get in the Way of Your Motivation, featured discussion about the psychology of motivation and being consciously aware of the barriers that can thwart your progress. Here we’ll broach practical strategies toward increasing...
12 Common Barriers That Get in the Way of Your Motivation: The Psychology of Motivation
Motivation is the driving force that propels individuals to pursue goals, face challenges, and achieve success. Motivation is a multifaceted and complex psychological phenomenon that thrusts individuals toward their values, goals and objectives. Understanding the...
9 Tips to Deep Communication and Connection in Relationships
Deeper communication involves going beyond surface-level interactions and engaging in conversations that foster trust, understanding, and connection. It’s about being present, listening actively, and sharing authentically. The objective is always to learn about and...
15 Ways to Build Your Confidence: Proactive Steps to Increase Confidence and Make Life More Fulfilling
We aren’t born with confidence; we cultivate it over time. There are factors that contribute to it and directly take away from it. Socio-cultural and familial constructs communicate subliminally and overtly about who we are and how we’re expected to be. How we...
The Secret to Healing Trauma: A Window into Better Understanding and Improving Yourself and your Relationships.
Biology of Trauma Exposure to trauma leads to a cascade of biological changes and stress responses. There are changes in the amygdala, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex areas of the brain. There are physiological changes in limbic system functioning, activity changes...
5 Transformative Steps for Enhancing Self-Compassion: Integrate “WEROC” to Practice Self-Compassion
Try saying “I love myself,” or “I am worthy of love,” aloud. How does it feel to express that? Most people report feeling awkward and having difficulty connecting to those sentiments at the gut level. It says something about the way our mind works because of our...