Thoughts of a Therapist

8 Lessons You Should Teach Your Children About Relationships

8 Lessons You Should Teach Your Children About Relationships

Parenting your children with relational attunement and conscientiousness. There is certainly no instruction booklet on how to help our children foster positive relationships. The way we first learn to socialize is through modeling our parent’s behavior, by process of...

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8 Ways Regret Can Lead to Your Personal Growth:

8 Ways Regret Can Lead to Your Personal Growth:

Make meaning, fortify gratitude, and live in the present moment.  I work with an array of patients who very often express regrets. I hear, “I wish I didn’t say what I did, I just inadvertently and impulsively blurted it out”, “If only I chose another college, then I...

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The Ultimate Growth Mindset Exercise

The Ultimate Growth Mindset Exercise

Relate to your mind like a tantruming child.   A growth mindset, was coined by Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck and colleagues, which stipulates the belief that a person's talents, intelligence, and abilities can be developed and improved over time through effort,...

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Why This Is a Mother’s Day to Always Remember

Why This Is a Mother’s Day to Always Remember

What I’m Sorry and Not Sorry About.   We are steadily moving toward living life as we once knew it, yet another Mother’s Day is being celebrated during the pandemic. It has been since last March that life drastically changed. Most of us cannot ever remember...

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The Best Tip for Living a Meaningful Life

The Best Tip for Living a Meaningful Life

Gain emotional intelligence by being in the “yuck.” Defining Your "Yuck" We all have a stuck “yuck” part. “Yuck” is the average human feeling/emotion or emotional state that holds substantial meaning to us individually and where we have not been able to effectively...

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10 Vital Life Lessons From 30 Years of Exercising

10 Vital Life Lessons From 30 Years of Exercising

Shift your mindset and empower yourself for lifelong change. The Benefits of Exercise  The benefits of exercise are vast. Studies show that it is very effective at reducing fatigue, improving alertness and concentration, and at enhancing overall cognitive function....

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ACE Your Life: Unleash Your Best Self and Live the Life You Want

Free Your Child From Overeating: 53 Mind-Body Strategies for Lifelong Health

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