Thoughts of a Therapist

20 Ways to Mindfully Shift Your Mindset

20 Ways to Mindfully Shift Your Mindset

This year has had its challenges. I experienced the shocking and traumatic loss of my almost 16-year-old nephew. I also shared in the travesties experienced by my patients. The unexpected and premature loss of my long-term patient’s young adult daughter, a patient...

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Mindfulness in the Midst of All of These Mass Shootings

Mindfulness in the Midst of All of These Mass Shootings

A name and brief bio is offered on several media outlets of the victims from the El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio mass shootings. I teeter on wanting to know more about each of them, and not wanting to know. I’m fearful that if I “know” them, my pain will intensify,...

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10 Mindful Lessons to Transform Relationships

10 Mindful Lessons to Transform Relationships

There is certainly no instruction booklet on how to foster meaningful relationships. The way we first learn is through modeling our parent’s behavior, by process of elimination, and through on the job training when we’re thrust into our social worlds in school and...

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Why Avoiding Anxiety Is Contributing to Our Suffering

Why Avoiding Anxiety Is Contributing to Our Suffering

And What To Do Instead I work with patients who are in considerable pain. Deep and intense pain surfaces because of expected and unexpected challenging life circumstances. I connect with my empathy and deep compassion while I attune and support them through their...

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To My Husband on Father’s Day: I Get You

To My Husband on Father’s Day: I Get You

Fatherhood in America is changing. According to the Pew Research Center, 57% of fathers are saying that parenting is extremely important to their identity [i]. Also, on average, dads are taking a more central role in childcare than in the past [ii]. While on average...

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ACE Your Life: Unleash Your Best Self and Live the Life You Want

Free Your Child From Overeating: 53 Mind-Body Strategies for Lifelong Health

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