by Kat Zommers | Feb 15, 2023
We form positive and negative habits throughout our lives. And once a habit is formed, it’s hard to break free of it. It’s as if our brain stops fully participating in decision making and relies on our automatic routines. Our brains form neural pathways that get...
by Kat Zommers | Jan 5, 2023
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Center for Health Statistics, Americans born in 2021 can expect to live for just 76.1 years, the lowest life expectancy since 1996. This is the biggest two-year decline—2.7 years in total—in...
by Kat Zommers | Dec 7, 2022
With holidays and a new year approaching, we have moments to contemplate how we want to move forward and approach our lives. We always have choices; even inaction is an action taken. Self-affirming mantras help to center and ground us so that we’re pausing,...
by Kat Zommers | Nov 3, 2022
The latest statistics from the National Institute of Mental Health reports that approximately 18% of American adults ages 18- 54 have an anxiety disorder in a given year, and approximately 10% of individuals ages 18 and over, will suffer from a depressive illness. The...
by Kat Zommers | Sep 28, 2022
People fear accepting all aspects of themselves and others. They worry they’ll get complacent, accept mediocrity, and lack the motivation to change and grow. Interestingly the opposite is true, personal acknowledgement along with acceptance fosters confidence building...